
Move to Property Quarters

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Move to Property Quarters

Changing property managers may feel stressful, but making the decision to move will give you more control, save you money in the long run, and give you an immediate jolt of peace of mind.

No more worrying about whether they’ve forgotten to pay the insurance, nor more having to explain yourself to a new property manager every 6 months and no more frustration waiting for them to call you back.

Moving to Property Quarters is easy but if you still need more reasons, here are some that will help you.

  1. Tip of the Iceberg.

If you are disappointed with your current property manager, it is typically due to their poor performance or attitude. Usually, what you see, is only the tip of the iceberg and who knows what lies beneath the waterline.

  1. Continuity

Rest assured, there is no break in the continuity of the tenancy. The tenant continues to pay rent as always, just to a new trust account. The tenancy agreement does not change at all. In most cases if you are unhappy with your agent, so is the tenant.

  1. There are no penalty fees

There are no penalty fees in terminating your agreement with another agency. At worst, you will need to wait the termination notice period as agreed in your agency agreement with the other agent. We monitor the situation in the meantime.

  1. Simple and easy

We will prepare all the necessary paperwork and deliver it to the other agent. All you need to do is review the documents and sign, we will do all the rest.

  1. Peace of Mind

Stop wasting precious energy and time worrying and move to a property manager you can rely on.

Our Process

Need more help?

Feel free to call George on 0412 330 588 or send us a message using this form

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