22ter what seemed like a long and chilly winter, Spring has finally arrived, and it feels glorious!
Along the Sydney coast we have already enjoyed days filled with clear skies and warm temperatures, perfect for inspiring a Spring clean! So now it’s time to throw open the curtains and get busy turning your home from closed in to fresh and airy.
An annual clean can seem daunting so here are seven tips to get you started.
1. Floor Coverings
With the winter months comes wind, rain and dust which means wet and muddy shoes all over your carpets. Vacuuming your carpets won’t get all the winter muck out, a steam or dry clean will give them a deeper clean and a fresh look and feel.
Give your rugs a similar treatment or at the very least a good beating, great for the rugs and your cardiovascular system (not to mention all that pent-up winter stress).
TIP: Magic erasers are great for small scuff marks on timber floors.
2. De-clutter
Don’t let your possessions overwhelm you, all you need is an open mind and an open bag. Clear all surfaces such as benches, tabletops, window ledges and bookshelves to make your rooms look bigger and more Zen like.
Create an organised approach to storage. Consider reducing the number of unused items in your wardrobes and cupboards, it can be very cathartic to let some stuff go creating more space in your life for new experiences.
TIP: Read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art od decluttering and organising” by Marie Kondo
3. Blankets and Bedding
You may ‘rest easy’ knowing your pillow cases and quilt covers are regularly changed however the pillows and quilts themselves can often be neglected. Invest in a good professional clean for quilts while some pillows types can be washed in the washing machine.
Dust mites and allergens play havoc on your senses so be sure to vacuum your mattress where they are likely to accumulate. Follow this up with a decent mattress and pillow protector and you will prolong the life of your bedding.
TIP: Don’t forget to give lounge room pillows and throws a good airing outside on a sunny day.
4. Oven
There’s nothing better on a winter night than a good lamb roast and delicious baked vegetables. However, it’s now time to see how your oven is faring? Cleaning your oven doesn’t have to be a nightmare and using bicarb soda and vinegar is both gentle on the environment and very effective.
TIP: Citric acid (found in the baking section of your supermarket) is great as a safe household cleaner.
5. Furniture
Get ready for weekend entertaining, but before hosting the long-awaited Spring barbeque you’ll want to freshen up your patio/entertaining area. Tackle the barbeque grill first as this is the hardest.
Rid your seat cushions of any built-up dust and dirt, better yet you may want to invest in new vibrant cushions that will give your table setting an instant lift. Hose off tables and chairs of any pesky cobwebs and settled dust, likewise with any outdoor umbrellas that have been folded for a while.
TIP: Solar powered outdoor lights and lamps make for a warm inviting atmosphere at night.
6. Gardens
Spring is the perfect time to bask outside on those warm sunny days. But first, a garden spring clean is essential to make your outdoor area look and feel relaxing.
Decide how much to prune to create space and to encourage flowering and fruiting. For larger plants, be careful not to prune much needed shade branches as the smaller plants as well as yourself need protection from the sun. Rake any leaves or debris away from the garden bed in order to turn soil and easily spot unwanted weeds.
TIP: Leafy green foliage and off-cuts can be used in a vase to brighten rooms and table settings.
7. Let There be Light
Don’t let that layer of dust and dirt covering your windows stop you from swinging those curtains open and letting in that glorious light. The window clean is the last on our list but will likely make the biggest impact. With a soft bristled broom brush over the outside of the glass to get rid of any cobwebs and dirt. When washing don’t be tempted to use newspaper but instead use a clean microfiber cloth, this is much more effective and less likely to leave marks on your frames.
Don’t forget to give your screens a good rinse of any dust, dirt and cobwebs that have accumulated whilst the windows have been shut.
TIP: Use a blackboard eraser in circular motions to get rid of any streak marks left behind on glass.
About Us
George Astudillo is the founder of Property Quarters, an agency that values communication and great relationships with its landlords.
George now has more than 30 years in real estate, including 15 years as the owner of a national real estate franchise. He’s also an accredited auctioneer and is the author of “The Landlord Mindset”, a book with his best tips to help landlords look after their investments. His book has been quoted in the SMH, The Huffington Post and The Age.
As the founder of Property Quarters, George takes great care in looking after his landlord’s investments. Having seen it all and worked with may landlords and tenants, he’s a strong mediator and negotiator and knows how to navigate through property legislation.
George is trusted by his landlords to advise on the financial management of their investments. He’s put in place proven processes to ensure each property he looks after is managed effectively to retain its value, quality tenants and rental income.
If you’re looking for a property manager who thinks like a landlord and whose business is built on tested processes, contact us by clicking HERE.
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